Can I use backyard/ungraded eggs in my food business (baking, meal prep, restaurant)?
No, you can't.
All products used in a permitted food establishment must come from a federally, provincially, or territorially inspected source. This makes local ungraded eggs invalid for use as an ingredient in a permitted food establishment.
Can I sell my backyard/ungraded eggs to the public?
Yes, but you must follow these practises:
Maintain the eggs at 4 degrees celsius during transportation, storage and display.
Ensure the shells of the eggs are clean and free of cracks.
Use clean egg cartons, and if using recycled cartons, cover up the grading information.
Label the eggs cartons with the following: The name of the farm, the contact information of the farm, the date of packaging.
Ensure there is a conspicuous label on your carton saying "ungraded eggs"
Inform the general public through labelling and signage that the eggs come fro an un-inspected source.